Thursday, December 1, 2011

Game of Cat and mouse

3 specific techniques online predators use


Predators view the process of finding a child as a game of cat and mouse. Predators spend many months, breaking down barriers to get the child to feel comfortable enough to share personal information. This technique is called grooming. Predators develop relationships by offering anything a child seems to need or want. Some children who are sad, bored, or lonely will go to the internet to have their emotional needs met. These children are very vulnerable to "grooming" and need to realize that protecting your personal information is a key to staying safe online.


Personal information lets a predator know something specific about a child. A predator will "fish" for information by asking basic questions, after that are more specific questions. The predator will search for details about the childs area in an attempt to draw more out of the child. Parks and schools are favorite places for predators to make contact with children. Predators avoid a child's home neighborhood where they can be easily identified as out of place.


Online predators are skilled in relating emotionally what they see in the child. This is called "mirroring" and it creates a disoriented designed to break down the barriers of "stranger danger."Predators create the same emotions of the child's emotional language and relate the emotions to them in a chance to gain the childs trust.

These specific techniques that predators use to manipulate children are very precisive and need to follow a specific order. If the child detects something funny in any of the stages, the whole system of the predators strategy is dead. Which is what needs to happen so predators quit harrassing and taking advantage of innocent children.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Protect yourself

Online predators are sick dimented people and will do or say anything to gain relationships with young people. State officials should make laws banning these criminals from social websites, to further protect our youth. By doing so, predators will be kept in the dark. They wont be able to talk to their victims unless it is face to face. Predators will not be able to view photos, personal information, family information, work information, or other types of information that is on your page. Laws should limit these predators to what they can do as much as possible. If we just keep shruging online predators off like they are no big deal, they will keep abusing the web like they do to kids. We need to open up our eyes and look at what we can do to keep these people off the online world. Agree or disagree? I know what is going on out there, and I know my views.

How do predators operate

Predators establish contact with children through conversations in chat rooms, instant messaging, e-mail,  and social networking sites. Teens use peer support through online websites to deal with their problems, and predators go to these online areas to look for vulnerable victims. Online predators try to gradually seduce their targets through attention, affection, kindness, and even gifts, and show considerable time, money, and energy to do so. They're aware of the latest music and hobbies likely to interest kids. Predators may then gradually introduce sexual material to their victims, by talking to them about it, or by showing pornorgaphic images. Some predators will ask their victims about sex right away. Dont allow this to happen to you. Be careful who you talk to, and never ever talk or meet someone you have never met in person.

Predators on Facebook

Facebook has let thousands of predators through their security and onto the social website. Many law enforcement officials say that it is almost impossible to keep sex offenders off of social websites such as Facebook. Facebook specifically says, "You will not use Facebook if you are a convicted sex offender." Some states such as Illinois, has banned sex offenders from using social websites. What are your thoughts on this topic? Should there be laws banning sexual offenders from using social websites? Should we let them offenders have profiles?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Protecting your kids from predators

Adults and parents need to know what their kids are doing on the world wide web. These are just some very simple tips to keep your child safe and protected. Keep your computer in a public setting, or where others can see it, parents can even install parental control software, limit your kids time online and keep track of what time of the day they go online; if they spend lots of time online at night, then something might be up. Younger kids should not have their own email adress, they should share one with the family. Kids these days are to vulnerable to be let online at early ages. Tell your kids never to reveal personal information about themselves online and bottom line, just talk to your kids about  online predators and what they try to do. You will be so much more protected by just doing these simple tasks.

Stats about the affects of online predators

25% of children have been exposed to unwanted pornographic material online. If you think about this stat, that is one in four kids have been exposed to unwanted porn from online. Another stat is one in 33 youth received an aggressive sexual solicitation in the past year. This is saying that a youth has recieved phone calls from someone telling them to meet them somewhere and sent the the victim unwanted gifts or money. We need to protect our youth and children from these disgusting people. When I look at these stats, I think about how dangerous our world is, even online. We arent even safe in our own homes, even on our own computer. Adults need to watch what their children do online. Keep track of who they are talking to and what sites they visit. The parents also have to trust their children in making the right decisions. Tell them not to talk to anyone online that they havent met in person. If adults do just these couple of things, their children will be much more protected, and smarter about what they do online.

Predators are master manipulators

Online predators seek out both boys and girls of all ages. They make connections with their victims, usually seeking out victims that are very vulnerable for someone to understand their situation. Once the predators gain the trust of the victims they are stalking, they will often send pornographic images, send mail to the victim, send gifts and if the victim denys their gifts; the predators threaten to tell their parents that they were viewing online porn.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Online Predators

Online Predators are a really big issue in todays technological world.